MOD 258


Helicopter Heroes
2015/8/30 週日22:00首播
我們將歷數那些曾在1969年共產黨叛亂時駕駛過Sikorsky S61直升飛機(又稱“鸚鵡”)的飛行員和機組成員,講述他們的豐功偉績,以及這種直升飛機戰略地位的演變。Sikorsky最初被設計成美軍的反潛艇平臺,之後,則進化成為適合叢林戰的殺傷性武器。
Helicopter Heroes celebrates the enduring and ever-changing story and achievements of the crews and pilots who flew the Sikorsky S61, or ‘Nuri’, during the 1969 Communist insurgency, and the evolution of its strategic role. The Sikorsky was originally designed as an anti-submarine platform for the U.S. Navy, and later was adapted into a devestating jungle war machine.