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Growing Up Fisher (S1)
彷如盲人帶著盲人, 歡迎認識費雪這一家。 他們就像一般傳統的快樂核心家庭。 爸爸Mel喜歡花時間和孩子相處,媽媽Joyce喜歡時尚,他們的孩子Katie 和 Henry 就是快樂的泉源。但是,Mel是個盲人, Joyce則比她的孩子更像青少年,他們正在考慮離婚。你會以為他們的生活一團糟吧?才不是呢!讓這個充滿魅力但怪異的家庭引領你感受,如何在生活苦澀考驗中找到美好。他們處理無憂無慮的媽媽與導盲犬Elvis爭風吃醋等等風波,敬請鎖定觀賞這個與眾不同的家庭,雖然看似分離,卻能心靈上有更親密的感情。

Just the blind leading the blind - meet the Fishers. They seem like your typical happy nuclear family. Father Mel enjoys spending time with his children, mother Joyce loves fashion and the children Katie and Henry are bundles of joy. However, Mel is blind. Joyce is more of a teenager than her children and they are both getting a divorce. Think they are a mess? Far from it! Let this charming and eccentric family show you a special kind of sweetness that comes from life’s bitter trials. From dealing with a free-spirited mother to competing with a seeing-eye dog named Elvis, watch how this extraordinary family becomes closer when they are apart.


角色介紹 Characters

Mel Fisher

J.K. Simmons

J.K. Simmons當綱演出本劇當中的父親Mel Fisher一角。他的演藝作品橫跨不同領域,包括電影、電視和舞台劇。電影方面知名作品為由導演山姆·雷米執導的電影《蜘蛛人》三部曲,扮演報社主編J. Jonah Jameson。其他參與演出的電影作品包括:《沙漠騎兵》、《快閃殺手》、《危險情人》、《往日柔情》、《靈異大逆轉》、《銘謝吸煙》、《關鍵危機》、《即刻毀滅》和最廣為人知的角色,熱門喜劇片《鴻孕當頭》裡,最另類,令人拍案叫絕的老爸Mac McGuff。

J.K. Simmons stars as Mel Fisher in NBC's family comedy "Growing Up Fisher."  Simmons has appeared in diverse projects spanning film, television and the stage. He is known for playing the character J. Jonah Jameson in Sam Raimi's "Spider Man" trilogy. Other motion picture credits include "Hidalgo," "The Ladykillers," "The Mexican," "For Love of the Game," "The Gift," "Thank You for Smoking," "Rendition," "Burn After Reading" and memorably, his portrayal of offbeat, but not deadbeat, father Mac McGuff in the hit comedy "Juno."

Joyce Fisher

Jenna Elfman


Elfman is best known for her role as Dharma in the hit series "Dharma and Greg," which garnered her a Golden Globe Award, three Emmy Award nominations and two TV Guide Awards. Other notable television credits include a recent guest-starring role on "The Mindy Project" as well as appearances on "Two and a Half Men," "My Name Is Earl" and "Brothers and Sisters."

Henry Fisher

Eli Baker

Eli Baker在本劇中演出兒子Henry Fisher一角。他是來自康乃狄克州的12歲童星,從演出音樂劇開始演藝生涯。

Eli Baker stars as Henry Fisher in NBC's family comedy "Growing Up Fisher."  Baker, a 12-year-old from Connecticut, began his professional career in musical theater.

Katie Fisher

Ava Deluca-Verley

Ava演出本劇的女兒Katie Fisher一角。近來參與奧斯卡金獎編劇Jim Rash和Nat Faxon首次執導,史提夫·卡爾、東妮·克莉蒂和山姆·洛克威爾主演的《The Way Way Back》。其他作品方面,客串演出TNT的《南國警察》和演出澳洲電影《Blinder》。

Ava Deluca-Verley stars as Katie Fisher in NBC's family comedy "Growing Up Fisher."  Deluca-Verley recently appeared in Oscar-winning screenwriters Jim Rash and Nat Faxon's directorial debut, "The Way Way Back," starring Steve Carell, Toni Collette and Sam Rockwell. She also guest starred on TNT's "Southland" and played a supporting role in the Australian feature film "Blinder."