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菜鳥警察 第5季

Rookie Blue (S5)

After 4 seasons of high-tension drama and learning the ropes, the seasoned cops are back on the job but not without their personal lives interfering. Lives aren’t the only thing at stake this season as relationships fall apart. Get ready for a brand new season of Rookie Blue, express from the US.


角色介紹 Characters

Chloe Price

Priscilla Faia

出身不列顛哥倫比亞的維多利亞,Priscilla Faiau演出本劇兩季的Chloe Price一角。在成為本劇固定班底前,她曾客串演出《靈異妙探》、 “True Justice”和電視電影 “Eleventh Victim”。因本劇演出獲得2014加拿大影視獎的最佳電視劇女配角獎。

Victoria, British Columbia, native Priscilla Faia has starred as the quirky Chloe Price for the last two seasons of Rookie Blue. Before landing the series as a regular, she guest starred on such shows as Psych, True Justice, and the made for TV movie Eleventh Victim.  Faia received a 2014 Canadian Screen Award nomination for ‘Best Performance by and Actress in a Featured Supporting Role in a Dramatic Program or Series’ for Rookie Blue.

Traci Nash

Enuka Okuma

五次金尼獎提名,Enuka Okuma出身不列顛哥倫比亞的溫哥華,Simon Fraser大學劇場藝術學士畢業。曾演出高過45個電視劇角色,家喻戶曉的作品包括本劇,《Madison》,《Sue Thomas F.B. Eye》和《Fifteen》,客串演出的影集包括《實習醫生》、《靈媒緝兇》和《24反恐任務》。

Five-time Gemini Award-nominee Enuka Okuma hails from Vancouver, British Columbia, where she earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in theatre from Simon Fraser University. With over 45 television roles to her credit, this accomplished actress is familiar to audiences as a series regular on television shows such as all five seasons of Rookie Blue, Madison and Sue Thomas F.B. Eye, and her guest appearances on a variety of hit shows including Grey's Anatomy, Medium, and 24.

Dov Epstein

Gregory Smith

加拿大出身,現年三十一歲的Gregory Smith演出許多影視作品,飾演本劇當中Dov Epstein一角。除了演戲,他也曾為本劇擔任過幾集的導演。自己導演拍攝的短片 “Method”正進入後製階段,由Shawn Doyle主演,描述一位演員努力試圖進入角色的故事。他目前也正計畫要拍攝一部電影。

Canadian-born Gregory Smith has accomplished a lot in his 30 years. He has starred as Dov Epstein in Rookie Blue for all five seasons. In addition to acting, Smith also directs on the series. Smith is in post-production on a short film he directed called Method, starring Shawn Doyle, about an actor struggling to get into his character. He is also currently developing a feature film.

Chris Diaz

Travis Milne

加拿大亞伯達省北部人,從小就愛看電影,但到青少年時才知道自己對於表演的熱愛。在本劇飾演Chris Diaz一角。

Born and raised in Northern Alberta, Travis Milne fell in love with movies at an early age, but did not discover his love for acting until his teenage years.  Milne can be seen in all five seasons of Rookie Blue playing Chris Diaz.

Gail Peck

Charlotte Sullivan

Charlotte Sullivan曾獲加拿大金尼獎提名,並且在備受爭議的艾美獎獲獎影集《甘迺迪家族》中飾演瑪麗蓮夢露,和葛雷肯尼爾與凱蒂·荷姆斯共同演出。演出本劇此角長達四季,曾在科幻迷你影集”Alice”當中和奧斯卡影后凱西·貝茲伊一同演出,在電影方面,曾與奧斯卡終身成就獎得主彼得·奧圖在電影《金山》演出對手戲。

Charlotte Sullivan is a Genie Award-nominated actress who played Marilyn Monroe in the controversial Emmy® Award-winning series The Kennedys, starring Greg Kinnear and Katie Holmes.  Sullivan has played Gail Peck for all five seasons of Rookie Blue. She played opposite Academy Award-winner Kathy Bates in the sci-fi miniseries Alice, and opposite Academy Award-winner Peter O’Toole in the film Iron Road.

Nick Collins

Peter Mooney

加拿大緬尼托巴省溫尼伯人,2004年畢業於知名的加拿大國家戲劇學院。在本劇中扮演Nick Collins,曾參與演出的電視劇包括《聖城風雲》、《多伊小隊》、《美女與野獸》和《CSI犯罪現場:邁阿密》還有兩季的青少年影集《青春沙灘》。

A native of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Peter Mooney graduated from the prestigious National Theatre School of Canada in 2004.  Mooney plays Nick Collins in Rookie Blue. He appeared as a series regular on the series Camelot and has guest starred on Republic of Doyle, Beauty and The Beast, and CSI: Miami. He also starred on the hit TV series Falcon Beach for two seasons.

Sam Swarek

Ben Bass

Ben Bass曾在八零年代的影集《龍虎少年隊》初試啼聲,之後接拍參與無數電視劇、劇場和電影演出。在本劇飾演警探Sam Swarek,曾因此角獲得2014年加拿大影視獎最佳電視劇男主角演出提名。

Ben Bass landed his first television gig on the hit ‘80s series 21 Jump Street and has since starred in an exceptionally wide range of television, theatre and film hits. He currently stars in Rookie Blue as Detective Sam Swarek, a role for which he received a 2014 Canadian Screen Award Nomination (Shaw Media Award – Best Performance by an actor in a Continuing Leading Dramatic Role).

Andy McNally

Missy Peregrym

Missy Peregrym參與許多影視作品,橫跨美加兩地,深受觀眾肯定。在本劇飾演女主角Andy McNally,劇情進展目前到第5季。

Missy Peregrym is an accomplished film and television actress – both in Canada and across the border. She has played the lead character, Andy McNally, in all five seasons of Rookie Blue.