MOD 620


Eat, Drink, Love (S1)
蛇蠍美人的食尚戰爭:五位事業有成又美麗的單身女子出現在洛杉磯餐飲世界的實境節目中,競爭激烈的餐飲業基本上是屬於男人的割喉戰場,這些女性卻在這行業中獨占鰲頭,一決勝負。LA主編 Kat Odell、甜點主廚Waylynn Lucas、美食公關Brenda Urban、私人主廚Nina Clemente與美食行銷專家Jessica Miller 全聚在一個可能會將她們生吞活剝的殘酷世界裡。看她們辛勤努力工作之餘, 還可以瘋狂玩耍,並在商業和娛樂交雜的世界裡找到屬於自己的真愛。

 Food fight femme fatales: The lives of five beautiful, successful single women are chronicled in this new reality show about the Los Angeles F&B industry. It’s a man’s world in the cutthroat restaurant trade but these ladies come up tops. LA editor Kat Odell, pastry chef Waylynn Lucas, culinary publicist Brenda Urban, private chef Nina Clemente, and culinary marketing specialist Jessica Miller stick together in a world that may eat them alive. Follow them as they work hard, play hard and possibly find love in a world where business always mixes with pleasure.


角色介紹 Characters

甜點主廚Waylynn Lucas

Waylynn Lucas

Waylynn Lucas熱愛龐克搖滾,並且愛吃甜食,在男性主導的如割喉戰般的洛城餐飲界有自己的甜點店。在成功開設在Costa Rica的店後,Waylynn搬回洛城,很快地她的甜點天份獲得外界肯定。在兩家洛杉磯時報報導過的高評價餐廳, José Andrés’ Bazaar和有米其林星等的 Patina當甜點廚師兩年後,她心中的創業魂熊熊燃燒,離開了原本令人稱羨的工作,和友人Nancy Truman開設自己的店面Fonuts。有兩次訂婚和一次和知名大廚惡劣的分手紀錄,她已經準備好擺脫過去,而她真的準備好再次墜落愛河嗎?

Waylynn Lucas is a punk rock chick with a sweet tooth, who holds her own in the male-dominated, cutthroat L.A. chef scene. After successfully running her own restaurant in Costa Rica, Waylynn moved back to L.A. where her talents for pastry quickly garnered wide acclaim. After serving as the executive pastry chef for two highly-rated restaurants—José Andrés’ Bazaar and Michelin-rated Patina—and being written up in The Los Angeles Times, Waylynn’s entrepreneurial spirit led her to leave her prestigious job and open up her own bakery, Fonuts, alongside her partner and friend, Nancy Truman. Twice engaged, including a bad breakup with a top chef, Waylynn is ready to shed the skin of her past, but is she really ready to love again?

私人主廚Nina Clemente

Nina Clemente

擁有熱情如火的義大利靈魂和對人生無拘無束的自由態度。Nina Clemente為洛城的餐飲界帶來不一樣的風格氛圍。紐約土生土長,曾討厭加州,認為是「永無止盡的陽光地獄」,如今她用充滿鄉村氣息和自然健康作法在洛城餐飲圈闖蕩。沒有受過任何正式訓練,她成為洛杉磯最被矚目的私人主廚。在Vanity Fair大放異彩後,Nina成為A咖客戶們的外匯主廚,但她一直以來都想要開屬於自己的餐廳,Nina不太確定自己是否能在男性主導的餐飲界取得優勢,擁有自己的一片天。

With a fiery Italian spirit and a carefree approach towards life, Nina Clemente brings style and edge to the L.A. food scene. A native New Yorker who once despised the Californian “never ending sunshine hell,” Nina found her way out west, bringing with her a rustic and healthy form of cooking. Without any formal training, she has become one of Los Angeles’ most sought after private chefs. After capitalizing on her exposure in Vanity Fair, Nina found success catering to A-list celebrities, but with big aspirations of owning her own restaurant, Nina wonders if she is ready to dominate the culinary world with the big boys.

LA主編Kat Odell

Kat Odell

這位紐約客離開了原本在Bon Appétit的寫作工作,成為知名美食部落格Eater LA的編輯。身為一名編輯,Kat總是獲有很多餐飲界新秀、新餐廳的獨家消息,總是第一個搶先報導洛城熱門餐廳和夜店。當她坐在餐廳裡,主廚會殷勤款待,希望她能幫忙多寫些餐廳的好話。個性活潑熱情,愛和人搞曖昧小遊戲的她,公私界線總是模糊不清,讓同事們質疑她的居心企圖。

This New York native left her job as a writer at Bon Appétit to become the editor of the prestigious food blog, Eater LA. As its editor, Kat earns exclusive scoops on rising talent, and she is perpetually the first to break any exclusive news on L.A.’s hottest restaurants and nightclubs. When she sits down in a restaurant, chefs roll out the red carpet in the hopes that she will help make, rather than break, their restaurant. With her bubbly and flirty personality, the lines of business and pleasure are often blurred leading colleagues to question her motives.

美食行銷專家Jessica Miller

Jessica Miller

這位中西部出身的女子,事業有成,可說是Harry Morton Holdings旗下的左右手。身為Morton最新產業,整天爭吵的員工和一心想要成為餐飲業的大人物,Jessica用自己的性別和年齡打破了外界既有的刻板印象。當和資深的男性同仁談到數字或是和自己的員工調情,她總是掌握主權。她心中只有工作,讓她的感情生活陷入危機。

This Midwest transplant garnered success as the right hand of Harry Morton Holdings. Between wrangling staff at Morton’s latest venture and starry-eyed aspirations of becoming a restaurant mogul, Jessica crushes stereotypes associated with gender and youth. Whether it’s talking numbers with seasoned male colleagues or getting down and dirty with her staff, Jessica is always in control. She lives and breathes her work, which has put her relationships in the freezer.

美食公關Brenda Urban

Brenda Urban

一位強悍、有主見,充滿熱情,Brenda Urban是位行銷公關,用她的機智和具有感染力的笑聲吸引人群。紐澤西出身,之前在紐約一家私人客戶公司工作,之後搬到洛杉磯成為美食公關。在她痛苦離婚之後,Brenda想要有成功的事業和個人幸福,但她正了解到不是所有事情都可以用手段完成目的。

Strong, opinionated and passionate, Brenda Urban is a public relations maven that charms people with her quick wit and infectious laughter. A New Jersey native, Brenda worked in New York representing exclusive hospitality clients before moving to Los Angeles to become a culinary publicist. In the wake of her bitter divorce, Brenda yearns to complement a successful career with personal happiness, but she’s learning there are some things you can’t put a spin on.