
Sasha Roiz飾演《格林》中主角Nick的上司Renard隊長,他不僅熟諳政治操作的把戲,同時也是菁英血統「格林家族」的後裔。Roiz在本劇中的角色延續了他上一次在榮獲影評激賞的作品《Caprica》中演出的殘暴黑幫殺手Sam Adama一角,該劇亦為《Battlestar Galactica》的前傳作品。近年來Roiz在電視圈的活躍演出讓他成為家喻戶曉的大人物,除了於《Caprica》的演出外,他更於各大熱門影集如 《House》、《The Mentalist》、《Lie To Me》、《CSI》、《NCIS》以及《Castle》中客串演出,近期作品則為現正播出的《第十三號倉庫》。Roiz於大螢幕上的演出包括賣座電影《明天過後》、《狙擊封鎖線》、《風雲人物》以及《戰略特勤組》。
Sasha Roiz stars in NBC’s new drama series "Grimm" as Captain Renard, Nick’s politically adept superior officer and a descendant of a powerful line of Grimm royalty. Roiz’s "Grimm" character follows his last regular role as Sam Adama, a brutal mob enforcer, on the critically acclaimed Syfy series "Caprica," prequel to "Battlestar Galactica." In recent years, Roiz has become a familiar face on TV screens. In addition to "Caprica," he has made numerous guest appearances on some of television’s most notable programs, including "House," "The Mentalist," "Lie To Me," "CSI" and "NCIS" and "Castle" as well as a series arc on the current season of "Warehouse 13″. Roiz’s introduction to feature films was in a supporting role in the blockbuster "The Day After Tomorrow," followed by "16 Blocks", "Man of the Year" and "Unthinkable".
警察同僚Hank Griffin

Russell Hornsby飾演《格林》中主角Nick的搭擋Hank Griffin。在格林世界中,Hank無法察覺Nick的能力。Hornsby最知名的演出作品為飾演《Lincoln Heights》中的洛杉磯警察Eddie Sutton。近期他則與Denzel Washington和Viola Davis在《Lincoln Heights》中演出對手戲。除此之外,他更於榮獲金球獎以及艾美獎雙料提名的HBO影集《In Treatment》中與Gabriel Byrne以及Diane Weist有精彩的對手演出。Russell Hornsby其他的演出作品包含Showtime頻道的《Shameless》、更參與《法網遊龍》、《實習醫生》、《傲骨賢妻》以及 《Playmakers》的演出。在電影方面則參與《鬼膽神偷》、《大謊言家》、《要錢不要命》、《門當父不對》以及《命運不可逆轉》等作品的演出。此外 在舞台劇方面他亦曾出演《King Hedley》、《Gem of the Ocean》、《Two Trains Running》、《To Kill a Mockingbird》、《Joe Louis Blues》以及《Six Degrees of Separation》等作品。Hornsby曾就讀於牛津大學以及波士頓大學藝術學院。
Russell Hornsby stars in NBC’s new drama series “Grimm” as Nick’s partner, Hank Griffin, who is blind to Nick’s new powers in the Grimm world. Hornsby is best known for his long-running lead role as Los Angeles cop Eddie Sutton in “Lincoln Heights.” Most recently, he starred opposite Denzel Washington and Viola Davis in August Wilson’s“Fences.”He also completed a season of HBO’s Emmy and Golden Globe-nominated drama "In Treatment," opposite Gabriel Byrne and Diane Weist. His other television credits include Showtime’s "Shameless," "Law and Order," “Grey’s Anatomy,”“The Good Wife,” and “Playmakers." His feature film credits include “After the Sunset,” “Big FatLiar,” Get Rich or Die Tryin’,” “Meet the Parents,” and “Stuck.” His other theater credits include “KingHedley," "Gem of the Ocean,” “Two Trains Running," “To Kill a Mockingbird,” “Joe Louis Blues” and“Six Degrees of Separation.” Hornsby attended Boston University, College of Fine Arts, and the University of Oxford.

Silas Weir Mitchell飾演《格林》中主角Nick的死黨Monroe,而他亦是一名格林世界中怪物的化身。Mitchell在洛杉磯生活期間便 於電視圈穩定發展,期間參與超過一百部電視劇的演出,包括《My Name is Earl》、《The Mentalist》、《Numb3rs》、《Burn Notice》以及《Prison Break》;此外他也參與多部電影演出,並對劇場一直保有相當的熱情,他曾在洛杉機甚至全美編導、製做以及參與演出過多部古典以及現代作品。在演藝生涯 中他也曾退居幕後,於去年拍攝短片《Song in a Convenience Store》,該片曾參與多次影展演出,並於雅典影展獲得最佳敘事短片的獎項。Mitchell來自賓州費城,並於加州大學畢業取得學位後遷移至洛杉磯定居。
Silas Weir Mitchell stars in NBC’s new drama series “Grimm” as Monroe, a reformed Grimm-creature,who is Nick’s reluctant informant. Mitchell has worked steadily during his time in Los Angeles, making over 100 television appearances,including “My Name is Earl,” “The Mentalist,” “Numb3rs,” “Burn Notice” and “Prison Break.” He has also appeared in many feature films. One of Mitchell’s enduring passions is the theatre, where he has directed, produced and starred in numerous productions of classical, as well as new, works in Los Angeles and around the country. He has also spent some time behind the camera, helming a short film last year, “Song in a Convenience Store,” which appeared in several film festivals around the country including the Athens Film Festival, where it won Best Narrative Short. Mitchell hails from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He moved to Los Angeles after finishing his graduate studies in theatre arts at the University of California, San Diego.
女友Juliette Silverton

Bitsie Tulloch飾演《格林》中主角Nick忠誠的未婚妻Juliette Silverton,她對於丈夫與格林世界的接觸感到恐懼不安。Tulloch先前曾在Ed Zwick導演於NBC製播出的影集《quarterlife》中飾演Dylan一角。《quarterlife》是首部網路影集,描述六名二十出頭的年 輕人在這世界尋找出路的故事,Tulloch於劇中飾演一名記者,其所經營的影音部落格經常讓身邊的朋友感到困惑。Tulloch其他電視作品包括在《Outlaw》的固定演出,並於《House》、《The West Wing》、《Cold Case》、《Lost》以及《Moonlight》有客串演出。此外她亦參與線上影集《lonelygirl15》的演出。在電影作品方 面,Tulloch參與了默劇作品《The Artist》,在片中與John Goodman以及James Cromwell合作演出。
Bitsie Tulloch stars in NBC’s new drama series "Grimm" as Juliette Silverton, Nick’s (David Giuntoli) loyal fiancée, who is wary of his recent forays into the Grimm world. Tulloch previously starred as Dylan on Ed Zwick’s NBC drama series "quarterlife." First made as an Internet series, "quarterlife" explored the lives of six creative twenty somethings trying to find their way in the world. Tulloch led the cast as a journalist who perplexes friends over her revelatory video blog. Her additional television credits include a recurring role on "Outlaw" and guest-starring roles on "House," "The West Wing," "Cold Case," "Lost" and "Moonlight." She also had a recurring role in the online serial "lonelygirl15." On the film front, Tulloch will next be seen in the silent film "The Artist," with John Goodman and James Cromwell, which premiered at this year’s Cannes Film Festival to rave reviews.
格林傳人Nick Burkhardt

David Giuntoli飾演《格林》中的主角Nick Burckhardt。Nick Burckhardt是一名堅定不移的波特蘭兇殺案警探,在一次因緣際會下發現自己的身世,成為格林世界的怪物獵人。在稍早之前Giuntoli曾與 Amber Tamblyn和Molly Parker共同演出《The Quinn-tuplets》,亦曾參與NBC愛情喜劇《Love Bites》的演出。Giuntoli持續參與電視劇演出,從《實習醫生》、《The Deep End》、《Privileged》、《醫診情緣》以及MTV原創電影《Turn the Beat Around》中都可以看見他的身影。Giuntoli早期曾跟隨Christopher Fields學習,隨後加入廣獲好評的Echo Theater Company。他出生於美國密蘇裡州聖路易,並就讀於印第安那大學。
David Giuntoli stars in NBC’s new drama series “Grimm” as Nick Burckhardt, the steadfast Portland detective turned Grimm-creature profiler. Earlier this year, Giuntoli appeared in the pilot “The Quinn-tuplets,” alongside Amber Tamblyn andMolly Parker. Most recently, Giuntoli was seen in the NBC series “Love Bites.” Giuntoli’s many television credits include “Grey’s Anatomy,” “The Deep End,” “Privileged,” “Private Practice” and the MTV original movie “Turn the Beat Around.” Giuntoli also studied under Christopher Fields before joining the acclaimed Echo Theater Company. He grew up in St.Louis and attended Indiana University.