MOD 620

諜影迷情 第4季

Covert Affairs (S4)
熱戀情迷:中央情報局情報員Annie Walker亮麗回歸,充滿性感與智慧-這回她可是在熱戀中。 第三季結局等待已久的深情一吻後,讓她與行動管理人Auggie發展出一段秘密的辦公室戀情。可惜全新一季卻無法給這戀情時間發展。 一個棘手的敵人正醞釀著險惡的計謀,一步步佈局籌畫。 新任的主管充滿抱負,但是他令人起疑的動機,可能威脅誤導Annie。 同時,Arthur似乎也有自己的秘密,和美洲獅這個恐怖組織有關。 某人的懷孕也漸漸浮上檯面。許多的內部陰謀和秘辛即將在本季的《諜影迷情》逐漸明朗,情節發展保證出乎意料,無法預測。

Covert (love) affair: CIA agent Annie Walker is back in top form: sexy, smart – and now, very much in love. When Season 3 ended with a long-awaited kiss, it starts a secret office romance with her handler Auggie. But there’s barely time for that in this brand new season of Covert Affairs. A formidable enemy has something up his sleeves and he’s moving the pieces of his plan in place. The arrival of a new station chief with higher aspirations but questionable motives will also threaten to throw Annie off. Meanwhile, Arthur seems to have a secret of his own, involving a terrorist known as The Puma, and a pregnancy is on the horizon for someone. Plenty of skeletons in the closet and all will come to light this year on Covert Affairs!


角色介紹 Characters

Annie Walker

Piper Perabo

或許對政府最機密的機關單位來說還是菜鳥,但28歲的Annie有著異於常人的本能直覺、韌性和毅力,這些特質讓這位鄰家女生變成致命武器。雖然她 首次任務結束在槍林彈雨之中,當她被中情局升遷到實演場時但她不慌亂也不猜想她的未來的走向。她心中只想要做好工作,完成任務。本季中將會繼續到各國出任 務,而她的私生活和感情會有更多變化。

She may be new to the government’s most secretive branch, but 28-year-old Annie Walker (Piper Perabo) has the uncanny instincts, tenacity and persistence that could make this girl-next-door a lethal weapon. Although her first mission unexpectedly ends in a hail of bullets, Annie doesn’t get flustered or second-guess her new career path when the Agency unexpectedly promotes her to field operative. If anything, it has made her more determined to be good at her job and see her assignments through.

Auggies Anderson

Christopher Gorham

前任中情局探員Auggie(Christopher Gorham)在一次任務中因意外失明。現在任職於國家防衛部門的科技部門擔任內勤人員。Auggie了解鮮為人知的中情局組織內的複雜內情。Annie 一來,Auggie很快就知道她的聰明伶俐,結為好友,並且盡其所能幫她。他深深了解Annie,因此願意相信她的直覺。他和Annie在本季晉階為戀人,但他們的關係能夠穩定不變嗎?

A former CIA special operative, Auggie (Christopher Gorham) was blinded during a mission. He is now heading up the tech ops department within the DPD. Auggie understands the intricacies of the massive bureaucracy of the CIA in a way that few others do. He immediately picks up on Annie’s intelligence and takes her under his wing to help her navigate the system. He sees Annie for who she really is and because of that, is willing to follow her instincts. This season, Annie and he become lovers, but will their relationship remain stable?

Arthur Campbell

Peter Gallagher

Arthur是中央情報局的國家情報部部長。氣宇非凡,一言九鼎,他生性愛鬥,不管是跟美國的敵人或是和他一樣在情報局工作的妻子Joan鬥嘴吵 架。然而他希望能讓中情局作業有多一點透明度的想法和單位的天性相齟齬。他有他的支持者,雖然大家可能不承認,但並非人人都認同他的想法。他身陷在中情局 鬥爭當中,而一定會有人受到波及被犧牲。

Arthur (Peter Gallagher) is the director of the Clandestine Service Department at the CIA. A regal and imposing presence, he loves a good fight whether it’s with a known enemy of the United States or verbal sparring with his own wife, Joan, who also works at the Agency. But his bid to bring more transparency to the CIA is at odds with the very covert nature of the organization. Arthur has his supporters but not everyone’s on his side, whether they’ll admit to it or not. He’s in for an uphill battle that’s sure to have its casualties.

Joan Campbell

Kari Matchett

比起其他身處在男性主導的中情局裡,Joan試圖努力往上爬,獲得升遷。為此她努力堅持,下定決心和保持冷靜。她對她的新員工Annie很嚴格,因 為在她身上看到過往的自己,儘管她不承認這點。而Annie也不了解Joan對她冷酷嚴格是因為要保障她的安全,並且能使她成長,成為一名更優秀的情報 員。因為嫁給她的老闆Arthur,她身處一個尷尬位置。維持家庭和工作間的界線對這對夫婦來說永遠是個挑戰,尤其是Joan懷疑丈夫背著她外遇偷吃。

Joan (Kari Matchett) has managed to ascend higher in the CIA than almost any other woman in a male-dominated agency. She’s done it with grit, determination and poise. Joan is hard on Annie, her newest employee, because she sees herself in her. Not that she would ever admit it. And Annie doesn’t realize that Joan’s ferocity comes from a need to protect her, and make her a better agent, not compete with her. Joan is also in the difficult position of being married to her boss, Arthur. Maintaining the boundaries between home and work is a constant challenge for this couple, particularly since Joan suspects that her husband is cheating on her.