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怪咖婦產科 第2季

The Mindy Project (S2)
醫情人生: 她終於回來了,而且還維持單身嗎?Mindy Lahiri在第一季使出渾身解數的調情功夫與可愛魅力後,成了所有女性觀眾的最佳女性朋友。她成功的行醫工作, 可愛討喜的個性與伶牙俐齒的口才, 讓人迫不及待觀賞Lahiri醫生即將在新的一季所發生的新戀情,跟讓人不解的失落與無限的笑料。不管是性騷擾案件到裸照風波,都帶給觀眾無限的歡樂-樂觀的Mindy繼續尋找她的白馬王子。 並且重量級來賓持續登場客串演出, 包括詹姆斯法蘭柯(James Franc)、蒂莫西•奧利芬特(Timothy Olyphant) 與珍娜•艾夫曼(Jenna Elfman),敬請鎖定觀賞《怪咖婦產科》第二季,你一定會愛上她!

Of doctors and dates: She’s back, and she’s… still single? Mindy Lahiri became every girl’s BFF when she flirted, fumbled and charmed her way through one season of The Mindy Project. A successful medical career, a bubbly personality and a sharp tongue – it is impossible not to fall for Dr. Lahiri as she brings a brand new season of new loves, awkward losses and endless laughs. From sexual harassment lawsuits to nude photos, it’s giggles galore as the ever-optimistic Mindy continues to look for The One. With an array of guest stars including James Franco, Timothy Olyphant and Jenna Elfman, get ready for phase two of The Mindy Project and prepare to fall under her spell.


角色介紹 Characters

Marc Shulman

Stephen Tobolowsky

Stephen Tobolowsky飾演Mindy的老闆─醫生 Marc Shulman。參與演出超過200部電影與電視的節目,他是好萊塢的熟面孔,曾參與《今天暫時停止》、《記憶拼圖》、《加菲貓》、《辣媽辣妹》、《歡樂 合唱團》、《超能英雄》和《歡樂單身派對》等等的演出,眾多演出作品不及備載。

Stephen Tobolowsky is Dr. Marc Shulman, Mindy’s boss. With over 200 movies and TV shows on his CV, he’s one of Hollywood’s most familiar character actors, having been in Groundhog Day, Memento, Garfield, Freaky Friday, Glee, Heroes and Seinfeld, to name a few.

Morgan Tookers

Ike Barinholtz

Ike Barinholtz飾演 Morgan Tookers, 一個不聰明,有前科紀錄的男護士,Ike是即興喜劇老將,兩年時間在阿姆斯特丹參與即興劇 Boom Chicago 團體, 並參與FOX夜間喜劇短劇節目MADtv演出。

Ike Barinholtz plays Morgan Tookers, a not-so-street-smart ex-convict turned male nurse. Ike is an improv comedy veteran, with two years in Amsterdam as part of improv group Boom Chicago and on FOX’s late-night comedy sketch series, MADtv.

Jeremy Reed

Ed Weeks

Ed Weeks飾演醫生Jeremy Reed, 帶點英國性感腔調,說話慢條斯理的師奶殺手。美國電視圈新面孔, Ed在英國曾參與《IT 狂人》、 Dick & Dom’s Funny Business, Dirty Sexy Funny的演出。

Ed Weeks is Dr. Jeremy Reed, a smooth-talking ladies’ man with a sexy British accent. A newcomer to U.S. television, Ed has appeared in The IT Crowd, Dick & Dom’s Funny Business and Dirty Sexy Funny in his native England.

Danny Castellano

Chris Messina

Chris Messina飾演 醫生Danny Castellano, 離婚讓他對愛情有負面觀感,電影作品包括曾與班艾佛列出演過《亞果出任務》演出,梅莉史翠普和艾美亞當斯領銜主演《美味關係》。其他作品包括《新聞急先鋒》、《金權遊戲》和《六呎風雲》。

Chris Messina plays Dr. Danny Castellano, whose divorce has made him the ultimate cynic when it comes to love. On the big screen, he’s starred in Argo with Ben Affleck and Julie & Julia opposite Amy Adams and Meryl Streep. His TV credits include The Newsroom, Damages and Six Feet Under.

Mindy Lahiri

Mindy Kaling

喜劇新甜心教主Mindy Kaling 飾演醫生 Mindy Lahiri,一個笑容燦爛,充滿企圖的女醫生,擁有無可救藥的浪漫情壞。 參與《我們的辦公室》飾演無厘頭傻妞Kelly Kapoor(曾獲艾美獎提名為最佳編劇),,Mindy也自編自演自製本劇。參與的作品有《五年之約》《飯飯之交》和《四十處男》。

Comedy’s new “It Girl” Mindy Kaling stars as Dr. Mindy Lahiri, a bubbly, ambitious female doctor who’s also an incurable romantic. Best known as The Office airhead Kelly Kapoor (where she was also an Emmy-nominated writer), Mindy is the creator, writer and producer of The Mindy Project, and was seen in The Five-Year Engagement, No Strings Attached, and The 40 Year-Old Virgin.