員警Kim Bergess

Marina Squerciati演出劇中一位充滿野心的員警Kim Burgess。最新作品是演出FX《美國諜夢》的一位俄國間諜,以及演出八集的《花邊教主》。其他電視作品包括:《傲骨賢妻》、《警網急先鋒》、《金權遊戲》和《法網遊龍:特案組》。在外百老匯表演包括Lucille Lortel 劇院的“Just in Time: The Judy Holliday Story “飾演Judy Holliday,讓她獲得著名的Agnes Moorehead Award。電影作品包括南西·梅耶斯執導的《愛找麻煩》,和由動畫改編,Jordan Galland執導的 “Alter Egos”。
Marina Squerciati stars as Kim Burgess, an ambitious uniformed patrol officer in the NBC drama "Chicago P.D." Squerciati, last seen on FX’s "The Americans" playing a Russian spy, gained attention in an eight-episode arc on "Gossip Girl." Other television credits include "The Good Wife," "Blue Bloods," "Damages" and "Law and Order: SVU." For her off-Broadway performance as Judy Holliday in "Just in Time: The Judy Holliday Story" at the Lucille Lortel Theatre, Squerciati won the prestigious Agnes Moorehead Award. Her film credits include "It’s Complicated," directed by Nancy Meyers, and the 2012 feature, "Alter Egos," directed by Jordan Galland and based on the graphic comic.
警探Jay Halstead

Jesse Lee Soffer飾演劇中年輕的警探Jay Halstead。他的演員生涯從六歲就開始,演出Kix穀片廣告。八歲時和約翰·古德曼,凱西莫拉提演出電影 “Matinee”。之後很快在家庭劇 “Safe Passage”飾演蘇珊莎蘭登和Sam Shepard的兒子。他曾演出電影《鐘點戰》和影集《CSI犯罪現場:邁阿密》、《超感警探》和《妙女神探》。他也演出Fox影集《黑幫天使》。
Jesse Lee Soffer stars as Jay Halstead, a brash young detective in the NBC drama, "Chicago P.D." Soffer's acting career began at age six when he landed a Kix cereal commercial. At age eight, Soffer made his feature film debut opposite John Goodman and Cathy Moriarty in "Matinee." Soon after, he was cast as Susan Sarandon and Sam Shepard's son in the family drama "Safe Passage." Soffer also appeared in the film "In Time" as well as in guest roles on the TV series "CSI: Miami," "The Mentalist" and "Rizzoli & Isles." He also had a co-starring role on the Fox series "The Mob Doctor."
警探Antonio Dawson

Jon Seda飾演本劇一位誠實正直的警官Antonio Dawson。紐澤西出身,是一位業餘拳擊手,在1992年轉往演藝圈發展,在 “Gladiator” (1992)出道。九零年代拍攝電影 “Carlito's Way”和《未來總動員》,但直到演出NBC影集 “Homicide: Life on the Street”才開始引起好萊塢影壇注意。他的電視作品包括 “Kevin Hill”和 “Close to Home”,並演出《靈感應》和《監獄風雲》。客串演出包括《檀島警騎2.0》、《破案高手》、《火線警告》、《豪斯醫生》、《CSI犯罪現場:邁阿密》、《紐約重案組》和《法網遊龍:特案組》等等,為數眾多。在2010年,Seda演出艾美獎得獎迷你影集《太平洋戰爭》,飾演傳奇的美國陸戰隊軍人Jon Basilone一角。之後為《劫後餘生》固定班底。
Jon Seda stars as Antonio Dawson, an honest detective in the Chicago P.D. Intelligence Unit in the NBC drama "Chicago P.D." Seda, a New Jersey native and amateur boxer, hung up his gloves in 1992 when he made his screen debut as a fighter in "Gladiator." Throughout the '90s, Seda's star rose through the films "Carlito's Way" and "Twelve Monkeys," though it wasn't until he appeared in NBC's "Homicide: Life on the Street" that Hollywood took serious notice. His television credits include series regular roles on "Kevin Hill" and "Close to Home" and recurring roles on "Ghost Whisperer" and "Oz." Seda has also guest-starred on "Hawaii Five-0," "The Closer," "Burn Notice," "House," "CSI: Miami," "NYPD Blue," and "Law & Order," among many others. In 2010, Seda appeared in the Emmy Award-winning HBO World War II miniseries "The Pacific," starring as legendary U.S. Marine Jon Basilone. He later joined the cast of the acclaimed HBO series "Treme" as a series regular.
警探Alvin Olinsky

Elias Koteas在劇中飾演一位臥底警探Alvin Olinsky。在他星途早期,他演出大導演法蘭西斯·柯波拉的 “Gardens of Stone”和 “Tucker”。之後演出Peter Masterson的 “Full Moon in Blue Water”和Roger Cardinal的爆炸性作品 “Malarek”,主演一位紀實記者Victor Malarek。他令人印象深刻的演技讓他獲得兩次加拿大奧斯卡Genie獎最佳男主角提名。1996年憑高度爭議,充滿情色感官和異色迷離,獲得坎城影展特別獎的《超速性追緝》一片獲得國際矚目。他曾與多位加拿大大導合作,包括Atom Egoyan的 “Atom Egoyan”和獲得加拿大Genie獎最佳男配角提名的 “Exotica”以及榮獲最佳男配角獎的 “Ararat”。其他拍攝過的電影包括大導馬丁·史柯西斯的《隔離島》、麥克溫特波頓的《魔由心生》、Louis Leterrier的 “Now You See Me”跟在2013坎城影展首映,跟李維薛伯一同演出的《星際禁區》。在電視方面,Koteas最近演出AMC《謀殺拼圖》的警官James Skinner一角。之前演出ABC影集,阿富汗醫院為故事場景的《戰地仁醫》,飾演跨國醫療小組的指揮官,上校Xavier Marks。
Elias Koteas stars as undercover detective Alvin Olinsky in the NBC drama "Chicago P.D." Early in his career, Koteas was cast by director Francis Ford Coppola in both "Gardens of Stone" and "Tucker." Koteas then landed a role in Peter Masterson's "Full Moon in Blue Water" and was later chosen for the lead role in Roger Cardinal's explosive "Malarek," playing true-life investigative journalist Victor Malarek. His haunting performance earned Koteas the first of two Genie nominations (Canada's Oscar) for best actor. Koteas broke out as an international sensation after his starring role in "Crash," David Cronenberg's highly controversial exploration of sexual provocation and alienation, which was awarded a special prize at the 1996 Cannes Film Festival. Koteas has worked on several occasions with one of Canada's most accomplished directors, Atom Egoyan. He starred in Egoyan's "The Adjuster" and "Exotica," which garnered Koteas a Genie nomination for best supporting actor, as well as "Ararat," for which he won the Genie for best supporting actor. Other films include Martin Scorsese's "Shutter Island," Michael Winterbottom's "The Killer Inside Me," Louis Leterrier's "Now You See Me" and "Last Days on Mars" with Liev Schreiber, which made its debut at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival. On television, Koteas was most recently seen playing the pivotal role of Lt. James Skinner on AMC's drama "The Killing." Prior to that he was a series regular on the ABC series, "Combat Hospital," set in a medical compound in Afghanistan. Koteas played Col. Xavier Marks, a career military officer and commander of the multinational medical unit.
員警Kevin Atwater

他的角色原本源自於《芝加哥烈焰》,他本來是一位單人喜劇演員,表演藝術家和音樂人。在電影《生命快車》飾演Ernie Davis,史上第一位獲得大學美式足球的Heisman獎。電視作品方面,曾演出MTV《天生我才不管用》、ABC《底特律重案組》和TBS喜劇 “Tyler Perry's House of Payne.”而他也曾演出舞台劇,包括在芝加哥Goodman劇場演出 “By the Way, Meet Vera Stark”和在Athenaeum劇場演出 “Hoodoo Love”和其他作品。
LaRoyce Hawkins stars as Officer Kevin Atwater on NBC's new police drama "Chicago P.D." Hawkins, who first originated the role in "Chicago Fire," is an accomplished standup comic, spoken-word artist and musician. He had a role in the feature film "The Express," which chronicled the life of Ernie Davis - the first African American to win college football's coveted Heisman Award. On the television side, Hawkins has appeared on MTV's "Underemployed," ABC's drama, "Detroit 187," and the TBS comedy, "Tyler Perry's House of Payne." He has appeared on stage in "By the Way, Meet Vera Stark" at the Goodman Theatre in Chicago, "Hoodoo Love" at the Athenaeum Theatre in Chicago and other legit productions.
員警Adam Ruzek

Patrick John Flueger在劇中飾演Adam Ruzek,一位年輕的臥底武裝巡警。Flueger最近在改編自愛倫坡經典作品《告密的心》,由John La Tier執導的電影。他有兩部正在後製階段的獨立製片電影,由Chris Zonnas執導的 “Loaded”和在德州南部拍攝,描述兩兄弟關係的“San Patricios”。Flueger之前參與的電影包括: “Mother’s Day”,《2011渾身是勁》,由Jim Sheridan執導的 “Brothers”和安東尼·霍普金斯主演的《超速先生》,初次大螢幕演出之作是2001年迪士尼的《麻雀變公主》。至於在電視作品方面,曾參與演出的影集有《犯罪心理》、《第13號倉庫》、《4400》、”Paradise”、《法網遊龍:特案組》、” Grounded for Life”、《艾米律師》和《CSI犯罪現場:邁阿密》等。
Patrick John Flueger stars as Adam Ruzek, a young undercover patrolman in the NBC drama "Chicago P.D." Flueger currently stars in "The Tell-Tale Heart," an adaptation of the classic Edgar Allen Poe story from director by John La Tier. He has two independent films in post-production: "Loaded," directed by Chris Zonnas, and "San Patricios," which is set in South Texas and centers around the relationship between two brothers. Flueger’s film resume includes "Mother’s Day," the "Footloose" remake, the Jim Sheridan-directed "Brothers" and the Anthony Hopkins-starrer "The World’s Fastest Indian." He made his motion picture debut in 2001 in Disney’s "The Princess Diaries." Television credits include "Criminal Minds," "Warehouse 13," "The 4400," "Paradise," "Law & Order: SVU," "Grounded for Life," "Judging Amy," "CSI: Miami,"etc.
警探Erin Lindsay

Sophia Bush飾演Erin Lindsay,一位作風強硬,不講廢話的警探。她影視作品豐富,以多變角色深受觀眾喜愛,在CW的《籃球的天空》扮演Brooke Davis一角,長達九季,從一位到處惹事的女生變成一位忠心友人,是深受觀眾喜愛的角色。最近和David Krumholtz, Michael Urie 及Brandon Routh演出CBS喜劇《兄弟情》。曾與西恩潘在經典恐怖電影,有麥可貝執導的重製版《幽靈終結者2007》有對手戲。她也主演Serenade的“The Narrows”和獨立製作電影 “Table for Three”。以及和比爾·奈伊、布魯克·雪德絲共演電影《雪場女孩》。之前也曾演出福斯的熱門喜劇電影《戀愛刺客》,該片一起演出的演員為傑西·麥特卡爾菲和布蘭特妮·斯諾。曾獲得青少年選擇獎的「最佳喜劇電影女演員」、「最佳恐怖驚悚電影女演員」和「最佳電影女演員突破」等獎項。除此之外,她曾在Vail影展獲得最佳新人獎以及獲得好萊塢時尚獎的新好萊塢時尚指標獎。
Sophia Bush stars as Detective Erin Lindsay, a tough, no-nonsense detective in the NBC drama "Chicago P.D." Bush has captured film and television audiences alike with the diverse characters she portrays. Over the course of nine seasons, she portrayed Brooke Davis on The CW's hit drama "One Tree Hill," evolving from a troublemaking vixen to a fiercely loyal friend and a huge fan favorite. Most recently, Bush appeared opposite David Krumholtz, Michael Urie and Brandon Routh in the CBS comedy, "Partners." Bush starred opposite Sean Bean in the remake of the classic horror film "The Hitcher" produced by Michael Bay for Focus Features. She starred in Serenade Films' "The Narrows," the independent comedy "Table for Three," and the feature film "Chalet Girl" opposite Bill Nighy and Brooke Shields. Previously, Bush starred in 20th Century Fox's hit comedy "John Tucker Must Die" along with Jesse Metcalfe and Brittany Snow. Bush has earned multiple Teen Choice Awards in the categories of "Choice Movie Actress: Comedy," "Choice Movie Actress: Horror/Thriller" and "Choice Movie: Breakout Female." In addition, she received the Rising Star Award at the Vail Film Festival, the New Hollywood Style Icon Award at the Hollywood Style Awards.
警長Hank Voight

Jason Beghe飾演劇中Hank Voight,芝加哥警署的情資小組。Beghe曾就讀紐約的Collegiate學院,和小約翰甘迺迪和大衛·杜考夫尼成為好友。曾演出1988年喬治羅密歐的《幻海魔靈》。之後在電影《末路狂花》演出員警一角並在《魔鬼女大兵》和黛咪摩兒演出對手戲。其他參與演出電影包括:《X戰警:第一戰》、《關鍵救援72小時》、《鬼來電》和《阿特拉斯聳聳肩2》。在電視作品方面,曾演出《芝加哥烈焰》、《加州靡情》。並且在許多影集中客串演出,包括《靈書妙探》、《NCIS重返犯罪現場:紐約》、《犯罪心理》、《追蹤者》、《頭號嫌疑犯》、《法網遊龍:洛杉磯》等等。
Jason Beghe stars as Sergeant Hank Voight, leader of the Chicago P.D. Intelligence Unit in the NBC crime drama "Chicago P.D." Beghe attended the Collegiate School in New York City, where he became best friends with John F. Kennedy, Jr. and David Duchovny. He played a quadriplegic in the 1988 George A. Romero film "Monkey Shines: An Experiment in Fear." He later appeared as a police officer in the film "Thelma & Louise" and played Demi Moore's love interest in "G.I. Jane." Other feature film credits include "X-Men: First Class," "The Next Three Days," "One Missed Call" and "Atlas Shrugged: Part II." On television, Beghe's has had recurring roles on "Chicago Fire" and "Californication." He has guest starred on countless series, including "Castle," "NCIS," "CSI: New York," "Criminal Minds," "The Finder," "Prime Suspect," "Law & Order: Los Angeles,"etc.