MOD 257


Million Dollar Genius (S1)

每集節目都為你揭露那些現代社會中賣得最好的產品背後的起源和其龐大的經濟效益。從Java夾克到Crocs,再從Headblade到Under Armour,「百萬天才」就是為了向這些利用科技解決大家問題的夢想家致敬,他們成就了屬於自己的美國夢。

Every episode features first person accounts of the inspiration, creation and the financial windfall behind some of the biggest selling products in modern history. From the Java Jacket to Crocs, the Headblade to Under Armour, Million Dollar Genius is a celebration of the individuals who dreamed up solutions to everyday problems and the technology and innovation that they used to achieve their version of the American Dream.
