

Paranormal Witness (S1)
超自然故事: 千萬要找伴來觀賞-別說我們沒事前警告你!《鬼影見證人》是緊湊,電影手法拍攝, 令人高潮迭起的類戲劇紀錄片系列節目。節目將一些歷經玩命鬼影遭遇經歷的人的真實故事重現在螢幕上。五歲女孩與名為Emily的鬼做朋友; 警用直升機曾碰到UFO ,結合一些第一手見證, 私人照片與真實的影片,以寫實戲劇手法呈現。《鬼影見證人》將引你進入一個被不尋常與可怕事件鬧得翻天覆地的世界。
Supernatural stories: Don't watch it alone – you have been warned! Paranormal Witness is an intense, cinematic, high-octane drama-documentary series. The show brings to life the true stories of people who have lived through explanation-defying paranormal experiences. A 5-year old girl’s friendship with a ghost named Emily. An encounter between a police helicopter and a UFO. Using a mixture of intimate first-hand testimony, personal photos and real footage, combined with grittily realistic drama, Paranormal Witness will transport you into a world turned upside down by extraordinary and terrifying events
