
一觸即發 第5季

Flashpoint (S5)

爆點告急: 劇情高潮迭起的的影集將觀眾帶入極端,一般警探平常訓練也碰不到的情況。《一觸即發》最新也是最後的一季即將上映,敬請觀眾做好心理準備,拭目以待。戰略反應小隊(SRU)的英雄們,不僅配有高科技裝備,各個還有談判技巧與敏銳直覺,將於本季跟觀眾道別。他們將深入破解毒品毒窟,與一群遊民孩子犯下的銀行搶案-故事緊張刺激,結局將以槍林彈雨收場, 呼應本季開始時的爆炸情節: 一名男子決定致前妻於死地展開追殺,迫使Ed開槍動武,但這並不在他計畫當中….。


Pressure points: A high-octane drama that hurls you into the thick of extreme situations that regular officers are not trained for – Flashpoint is back for its latest and final season, and you had better brace yourself. The Strategic Response Unit (SRU) is here to take their last bow as heroes equipped with high-tech tools, negotiation tactics and razor sharp instincts. Shoot outs in drug dens and bank robberies committed by homeless kids – this season is going to grip and thrill and end the show with a bang, even as it starts things off on an explosive note: A man is on a murderous hunt for his ex-wife and it results in Ed taking a shot he wasn’t prepared for…


角色介紹 Characters

Sam Braddock

David Paetkau

Sam將軍隊的任務交給了JTF 2(Joint Task Force 2,加拿大菁英反恐部隊)後而加入了SRU(戰略反應小隊)。他自從加入隊伍之後成長了許多,改掉了驕傲自負以及凡事應得的優越感,現在的他已趨成熟,更證明自己是團隊中恪守紀律且不可或缺的成員。

Sam left military service overseas with the JTF 2 (Joint Task Force 2, Canada’s elite Special Operations counter-terrorism force) to join the SRU. He’s come a long way since his arrival on the team - his cocky confidence and sense of entitlement have matured, and Sam proves himself a disciplined and crucially valuable member of the team.

Julianna 'Jules' Callaghan

Amy Jo Johnson


Jules is an exceptional markswoman, ex-RCMP who holds her own in the testosterone-pumped team environment. She has a natural, small-town, prairie-girl confidence that looks you in the face, tells it like it is and expects the truth back. It’s this grounded, upfront quality – in addition to her natural gift of human intuition and empathy – that also make her a strong right hand for Parker as a profiler and negotiator.

Sgt. Gregory Parker

Enrico Colantoni

Parker(Enrico Colantoni飾)是一名嚴肅、心思敏捷且天賦異秉的「讀心者」。他懂得如何去接觸以及切身的與人溝通,無論是面對沒有用藥而失去控制的精神病患、或是一群幫派份子,甚至是即將犯下大錯的不安少年,他都能找到與其溝通的方式。然而他這份能夠讀懂旁人的能力卻幫不了他挽回自己的家庭。十年前,Parker對於工作投入絕對的熱情,因而毀了與老婆之間的感情。自此之後,他染上了酗酒的習慣以及無法控制的侵略行為,而當他的老婆帶著兩人的小孩Dean離開他身邊後,他的人生跌落了谷底。如今他具備同理心、既溫柔冷靜又充滿洞察力的特質,都是他過去努力付出改變的證據。他深信人性都有好的一面,因為他自己就是人能改變向善的活教材。

Parker is serious, sharp-minded and a talented people-reader. He knows how to reach out, how to talk to people at their level – whether it’s a schizophrenic off his meds, a hardened gang member or a troubled youth about to make a big mistake. But his uncanny people-reading skills were not enough to save his own family… Ten years ago, Parker’s unconditional passion for his work burned out his relationship with his wife, and he turned to heavy drinking and aggression that he couldn’t control. When she left, she took their young son Dean with her, and Parker hit rock bottom. The empathy, gentleness, insight and sobriety he embodies today are a testament to the extraordinary effort he put into recovery. He believes the best of people, because he’s living proof people can change.

Ed Lane

Hugh Dillon


Ed is the alpha male of Team One. He’s outgoing, uncompromising, and charismatic. He thrives on the high-risk calls that are the bread and butter of his career, and rises to meet any tactical challenge with the laser-sharp instincts of a man born to be a leader. But under the uniform he’s a profoundly thoughtful man, who carries the burden of every decision he’s made… in a world where there may be no right answers, and where human fates are sealed in a split-second.