MOD 620


Covert Affairs (S1)

Annie Walker(電影「女狼俱樂部」女主角Piper Perabo飾)報到!一位初出茅廬的中情局探員,因為優異的受訓表現和語言能力一下子就被拔擢到中情局總部,但她漸漸發現她過往的戀情其實是中情局上司要她進來的關鍵。


Meet Annie Walker (Piper Perabo), a young CIA trainee who is thrust into the inner sanctum of the agency when she is unexpectedly promoted to field operative. While it appears that she has been plucked from obscurity for her exceptional linguistic skills, there may be something or someone from her past that her CIA bosses are really after.


角色介紹 Characters

Annie Walker

Piper Perabo

或許對中情局探員來說有點太嫩,但這位28歲的女生Annie walker(Piper Perabo飾)有著敏銳的直覺,堅強的韌性和毅力,讓平凡的鄰家女孩也能成為致命武器。當被拔擢到中情局總部第一次外派出任務,雖然差點死在槍林彈雨 中,但絲毫沒有動搖她的決心,立志要當個優秀的探員,順利完成任務。一項任務很有可能會出乎意料,失去控制,Annie並沒有任何指示可以依循,只能信賴她的直覺。但她一直仰賴的直覺也會失靈,兩年前她深信是真命天子的男友不告而別,傷透了她的心。而現在中情局探員的工作和出任務的危險對她來說是告別情傷,揮別舊愛的最佳手段。當Annie全心投入新工作後,她很快了解她必須要擁有雙重身份,要和親愛的家人撒謊還是面對世界各地殘忍的恐怖份子和敵人。不像她的姐姐 Danielle努力工作,擁有安穩可以信賴的生活,Annie喜歡到處出任務,充滿不確定因素的刺激探員生活。但她很快了解情感獨立,不談感情,可能比 活命還要困難。

She may be new to the government's most secretive branch, but 28-year-old Annie Walker (Piper Perabo) has the uncanny instincts, tenacity and persistence that could make this girl-next-door a lethal weapon. Although her first mission unexpectedly ends in a hail of bullets, Annie doesn't get flustered or second-guess her new career path when the Agency unexpectedly promotes her to field operative. If anything, it has made her more determined to be good at her job and see her assignments through.  In the blink of an eye, an assignment can go from routine to rogue and when Annie finds herself in situations with no rules or prior training to guide her, all she can rely on is her intuition. Too bad her intuition didn't keep Annie from getting her heart broken by someone she believed was the man of her dreams ... but that was two years ago. Now the CIA and its inherent dangers are a welcome change -- almost a kind of refuge.  As Annie plunges headlong into her new job, she soon realizes it means having to lead a double life, whether it's lying to her family or facing down ruthless terrorists around the world and enemies of the state. Unlike her older sister Danielle who has worked hard to build a stable, reliable, and predictable life, Annie likes the peripatetic and unpredictable nature of working for the Agency. But she'll soon find out that staying emotionally unattached could prove to be far more challenging than staying alive.

Auggies Anderson

Christopher Gorham

前任中情局探員Auggie在一次任務中因意外失明。現在任職於國家防衛部門的科技部門擔任內勤人員。Auggie了解鮮為人知的中情局組織內的複雜內情。Annie 一來,Auggie很快就知道她的聰明伶俐,結為好友,並且盡其所能幫她。他深深了解Annie,因此願意相信她的直覺。雖然失去雙眼,Auggie卻不為自己感到遺憾,他的開朗向上精神是會激勵人心。Annie喜歡他挖苦風趣的言談和對中情局無所不知的知識,他們親如手足,他是Annie工作上唯一能夠完全信賴的人。

A former CIA special operative, Auggie (Christopher Gorham) was blinded during a mission. He is now heading up the tech ops department within the DPD. Auggie understands the intricacies of the massive bureaucracy of the CIA in a way that few others do. He immediately picks up on Annie's intelligence and takes her under his wing to help her navigate the system. He sees Annie for who she really is and because of that, is willing to follow her instincts.  Despite his situation, Auggie is the last person to feel sorry for himself, and his positivism is infectious. Annie is immediately drawn to his dry wit and self-effacing style -- and his encyclopedic knowledge of the CIA. They are kindred spirits. This is one guy she can trust.

Jai Wilcox

Sendhil Ramamurthy

第二代接棒的中情局幹員,Jai 之前是耶魯的運動風雲人物。Jai不認輸的態度事實上非常適合金融業,但他選擇當個探員。生性風流倜儻,處處留情,包括國會助理,中情局同事和去參加好友在冰島雷克雅維克舉辦的單身派對,飛行途中遇到的空姐都是他的約會對象。Jai活在他父親─前任中情局傳奇長官─的陰影底下。他的父親一方面激勵他,一方面也給他挫折,他一直努力符合父親的期待,並試圖多融入中情局。Arthur指派他接近Annie以贏取信任,Jai求之不得,因為Annie美麗聰慧又性感,完全是他的菜。而Annie也跟得上他的節奏,他們之前的關係多了微妙的化學反應。

A second-generation CIA man, Jai (Sendhil Ramamurthy) was a former lacrosse star at Yale. Jai's hate-to-lose attitude would make him a perfect fit for investment banking, but he's chosen the Agency route instead. He has dated everyone from Congressional staffers to other CIA workers to a flight attendant he met while flying to a buddy's bachelor party in Reykjavik.  Jai lives in the shadow of his father, who was a legend at the CIA. This legacy both drives and saddles him. He is constantly striving to live up to his father's expectations while forging his own identity within the Agency.  When Arthur directs him to get close to Annie to gain her trust, Jai is more than willing to comply. She's beautiful, smart and sexy -- just his type. She also can keep up with him, which only fuels their natural friendly and flirtatious chemistry.