MOD 620

法網遊龍:特案組 第17季

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S17)
2016/5/19起 每週四20:00首播

性侵、謀殺和暴力攻擊是《法網遊龍:特案組》的核心題材,膽大的警官Olivia Benson和團隊警探,必須冷靜與沉著面對每日的駭人案件,不受私生活的干擾,才能確保正義得以伸張。

Rape, murder and assault are the name of the game in Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. Fearless sergeant Olivia Benson and her team of SVU detectives will have to stay immune to their jobs’ daily horrors, and to the distractions in their personal lives if they hope to be effective in delivering much-needed justice. 


角色介紹 Characters

Olivia Benson

Mariska Hargitay
本劇女主角一位雄心勃勃,但情感脆弱的警探一角。 Olivia不僅是為能幹的,深諳黑白兩道的警探;她是為有同理心的女人,能夠在情感上和遭受可怕罪行的受害者站在同一面,而又不會在專業表現上妥協。
 An ambitious and emotionally vulnerable detective. She is not only a competent, street-smart cop; she’s an empathetic woman who can respond emotionally to victims of terrible crimes without compromising her professionalism.