MOD 620


Against The Wall
Abby Kowalski是一名在芝加哥警局任職五年的老鳥,而為了實現成為警探的夢想,她選擇把握難得機會,於是接下內務調查部門的職缺。然而此項決定卻使Abby與她身為外務員警的父親以及三名哥哥產生嫌隙。如今Abby不僅要在工作上有亮眼表現,更必須努力維繫與家人之間的關係。

The series follows Abby Kowalski, a five year veteran of the Chicago Police Department, who in order to pursue her dream career as a detective takes the only opening available; in the Internal Affairs Division. Abby's decision to join the department's internal affairs division puts her at odds with members of her own family, themselves members of the Chicago Police Department. Now Abby must find a way to do her job as an IAD detective without tearing her family apart.



角色介紹 Characters

Don Kowalski

Treat Williams

Treat Williams飾演Don Kowalski,一名芝加哥警局巡邏部門的中士員警。身為第三代員警,他是Sheila Kowalski的丈夫,並育有Steve, Richie以及Abby三名小孩,此外亦為Donnie的繼父。

Treat Williams as Don Kowalski: A Chicago police sergeant in the Bureau of Patrol. He is a third generation cop and is married to Sheila Kowalski. He is the adoptive father of Donnie and father of Steve, Richie and Abby.

John Brody

Andrew W. Walker

Andrew Walker飾演(或暱稱為Brody"),是一名芝加哥警局的成員,不僅為Richie Kowalski的夥伴,更與Abby存有感情關係。

Andrew Walker, as John Brody "Brody": A Chicago police officer, he is Richie Kowalski's partner and is involved in a relationship with Abby.

Danny Mitchell

Chris J. Johnson

Chris Johnson飾演Danny Mitchell,一名曾任職於州檢察官辦公室的Abby好友。他隨後愛上Abby,並且必須與Brody競爭贏得Abby的芳心。

Chris Johnson as Danny Mitchell: An old friend of Abby's who used to work in the State's Attorney's office. He later becomes involved with Abby and competes with Brody to win her heart.

Mackie Phan

Mayko Nguyen

Mayko Nguyen飾演Mackie Phan,Abby的鄰居兼好友。她協助Abby的母親經營一家烘焙坊。

Mayko Nguyen as Mackie Phan: Abby Kowalski's best friend and neighbor. She helped Abby's mother open her own bakery.

Richie Kowalski

Brandon Quinn

Brandon Quinn飾演Richie Kowalski,一名芝加哥警局巡邏部門的員警,同時亦為Abby最小的哥哥。由於年紀相仿,Richie與Abby感情非常要好,此外Richie與一位名為Laura的女子結婚並期待著新生命的到來。

Brandon Quinn as Richie Kowalski: A Chicago police officer in the Bureau of Patrol and Abby's youngest older brother. Richie is the closest to Abby since they are the youngest in the family. Richie is married to a woman named Laura and they are expecting a baby.

Lina Flores

Marisa Ramirez

Marisa Ramirez飾演Lina Flores,為Abby於芝加哥警局內務部門的夥伴。她與同為警察夥伴的同事結婚並育有一對雙胞胎及一子。在第一季結尾中,她在Abby的接生下於電梯中產下一名女嬰,名為Carlina。

Marisa Ramirez as Lina Flores: A Chicago police detective assigned as Abby's partner in the Internal Affairs Division. She is married to a fellow cop and has three sons including a set of twin boys. In the season one finale she gives birth to a baby girl, whom Abby delivers in an elevator and names her Carlina.

Sheila Kowalski

Kathy Baker

Kathy Baker飾演Sheila Kowalsk,為Don Kowalski的妻子以及Abby, Richie, Donnie 與Steve Kowalski的母親。在第一季接近尾聲時,她開創了自己的烘焙坊。

Kathy Baker as Sheila Kowalski: The wife of Don Kowalski and mother of Abby, Richie, Donnie and Steve Kowalski. Near the end of season one she opens her own bakery.

Abby Kowalski

Rachael Carpani

Rachael Carpani飾演Abby Kowalski,為第四代芝加哥員警,她的父親以及三名哥哥亦為芝加哥警局的員警。她接下了內務調查部門的空缺,並與哥哥Richie的夥伴John Brody以及另一名男子Danny Mitchell有著錯綜複雜的三角關係。

Rachael Carpani as Abby Kowalski: A fourth generation Chicago police officer whose father and three older brothers are also members of the CPD. She takes an opening in the department's Internal Affairs Division as a detective, and is involved in a relationship with her brother Richie's partner John Brody and Danny Mitchell.