
真假靈異事件調查 第2季

Fact Or Faked: Paranormal Files (S2)
瘋狂的追查: 真假靈異事件團隊回歸,帶來更多精彩的調查:重整神秘的影像、解構奇怪的影片及揭穿怪異現象。這次他們深入發掘毛骨悚然的歷史,重新探索鬼船Queen Mary號,以及研究一張在珍珠港被襲後拍下的著名照片。他們走訪全世界,調查捉弄人的鬼、野獸及能量漩渦,其中一集出現恐怖畫面,一名女子猶如遭超自然力量操控,飄浮在自己床上半空。你有興趣加入調查嗎?
One wild ride: The Fact or Faked team is back for more: more mysterious videos to recreate, strange images to decipher, and spooky phenomena to unravel. This time, they dig deep into history for thrills and chills, re-examining the haunted ship Queen Mary, and a famous photograph taken just after the attack on Pearl Harbor. They travel far and wide to investigate poltergeists, beasts, energy vortexes, and, in one of the creepiest episodes yet, a paranormal force that appears to be causing a woman to levitate from her bed. Are you in for the ride?
