MOD 627


2023/7/1,週六 21:00

還鄉之後 (美國/西班牙/墨西哥/2012/劇情)

Language: Spanish, Nahuatl





製作公司:Aquí y Alli Films, Torch Films, Copa Films Development  

•    2013年香港國際電影節天主教文化獎入圍
•    2012年坎城影展影評人週大獎
•    2012年坎城影展金攝影機獎入圍
•    2012年耶路撒冷電影節最佳長片
•    2012年蒙特婁新電影節最佳影片
•    2012年塞薩洛尼基電影節最佳導演
•    2012年塞薩洛尼基電影節金亞歷山大獎入圍
•    2012年美國電影學院新導演獎特別提及
•    2012年孟買國際電影節最佳影片金門獎
•    2012年孟買國際電影節最佳導演銀門獎
•    2012年新電影節金羅浮獎
•    2012年高譚獨立電影獎最佳新導演入圍
•    2012年馬普拉塔電影節最佳拉丁美洲電影入圍
•    2013年卡塔赫納電影節最佳整體演出金獎

•    本片在2012年坎城影展首映,獲得業界一片好評。綜藝報的強納森霍蘭德寫道,本片「以靜謐的方式探索一個嚴肅主題」,「編劇細膩地觀察移民給家庭和自我帶來的壓力」。

•    《還鄉之後》透過優美的固定鏡頭,完美地捕捉細微表情和美麗的風景,這是一部精彩的首部作品,冷靜而巧妙地處理家庭這個普世主題,以墨西哥農村為背景,外出打工往往是這些地區唯一出路。
•    安東尼奧曼德茲伊斯帕扎的首部執導作品,拍下了一位慈愛父親返鄉的複雜心路歷程。

•    法國影評人對這部電影給予壓倒性的正面評價。《世界報》的雅克曼德爾鮑姆寫道,這部電影是「一部非同凡響的首部作品」,「夫妻之間的深情,父親想盡辦法吸引女兒的目光,青少女以玩笑和撒嬌方式表達父親不在家所帶來的酸楚,這一切都以一種細膩且奇蹟般的單純方式來呈現。」

•    《解放報》的布魯諾伊歇爾比較本片與其他墨西哥電影,「本片屬於全新的製作方式,細膩入微又迷人,幾乎有如紀錄片。」
•    《電視全覽》指出這部電影的「人文主義手法,溫和地指出南北差距。」

•    電影雜誌《正片》提到本片「細膩的場景面調度,使得最平凡的情境也十分動人。」


Pedro – husband, father, and musician – struggles to make a living in his village in Mexico while looking for work for his newly formed band. As time goes by, things don’t go as he hoped, and he desperately tries to make things work his way to avoid crossing the US border for the third time.

Aquí y Allá is a story about hope, and the memories and loss of what we leave behind.

Years after he left for the US for work, Pedro returns to his Mexican town to mend his relationship with his family, a task that proves challenging with his distant grown-up daughter. He hopes that the money he made will secure a better life for his family and help him achieve his lifelong dream.

Director/Writer:  Antonio Méndez Esparza (Debut)
Producers:  Antonio Méndez Esparza, Pedro Hernández Santos, Tim Hobbs, Ori Dov Gratch, Diana Wade     
Production Co:    Aquí y Alli Films, Torch Films, Copa Films Development
Cast:  Teresa Ramírez Aguirre, Pedro De los Santos Juárez, Lorena Guadalupe Pantaleón Vázquez, Heidi Laura Solano Espinoza

Antonio Méndez Esparza
•    SIGNIS Award Nominee, Hong Kong International Film Festival, 2013.
•    Critics Week Grand Prize, Cannes Film Festival, 2012.
•    Golden Camera Nominee, Cannes Film Festival, 2012.
•    Best Feature, In Spirit for Freedom Award, Jerusalem Film Festival, 2012.
•    Best Film (Louve d’Or), Feature Film Award, Montréal Festival of New Cinema, 2012.
•    Best Director, Thessaloniki Film Festival, 2012.
•    Golden Alexander Nominee, Thessaloniki Film Festival, 2012.
•    New Directions Award – Special Mention, AFI Fest, 2012.
•    Best Film, Golden Gateway, Bombay International Film Festival, 2012.
•    Best Director, Silver Gateway, Bombay International Film Festival, 2012.
(For his steadfast integrity, artistic vision, and confident restraint in guiding this little gem of a movie to the big screen.)
•    Louve d’Or, Festival du nouveau cinéma, 2012.
•    Breakthrough Director Nominee, Gotham Independent Film Award, Gotham Awards, 2012.
•    Best Latin-American Film Nominee, Latin-American Competition, Mar del Plata Film Festival, 2012.
•    Best Ensemble, Golden India Catalina, Cartagena Film Festival, 2013.

•    Upon the film's premiere at the 2012 Cannes Film Festival, the American trade reviews were predominantly positive. Johnathan Holland of Variety wrote that the film is a "quietly devastating exploration" of its subject and that "the script is beautifully observant of the stresses immigration places on family and self." 

•    Through beautiful, often fixed shots, perfectly capturing the nuances in faces and the beauty of landscapes, Aquí y allá is a promising first film that calmly and delicately (attention and patience required) addresses the universal subject of family, to the backdrop of these rural regions of Mexico where economic exile is often the only way out. 
•    Antonio Méndez Esparza's directorial debut radiantly captures the complex homecoming of a loving father. 

•    French critics were overwhelmingly positive on the film. Jacques Mandelbaum of Le Monde wrote that the film is "a remarkable first feature" by the director, and that "the deep love that binds this man and wife, the tricks the father uses to regain the look of his daughters, adolescents who are discreet and facetious in sweetly paying him the suffering of his remoteness, is all rendered with a delicacy and almost miraculous simplicity." 

•    Comparing the film to other Mexican cinema, Bruno Icher of Liberation writes that the film is "a new proposal, delicate and charming in a register intimate and almost quasi-documentary." 
•    Telerama pointed out the film's "humanistic approach, modest and sensitive to the North-South disequilibrium." 

•    Film journal Positif noted that the film's "attention to mise en scene makes the most quotidian situations touching.