MOD 620

時尚明星 第2季

Fashion Star (S2)
獨領風騷:第二季時尚明星全員到齊,開始為新的時尚趨勢下定義測風向 ,催生全新時尚品牌。Louise Roe,英國時尚記者與Glamour時尚雜誌的資深編輯,擔綱本季主持人, 名人評審團Jessica Simpson, Nicole Richie 和John Varvatos將從13位才華洋溢的設計師挑選出幸運的一位, 他將得到好幾百萬的獎金,與三大時尚零售商Macy’s, Saks Fifth Avenue 和 Express合作,開展原創的時尚通路。本節目每週都會有令人歎為觀止的時尚表演與激烈挑戰,挖掘與擴展新秀設計師與全新時尚品牌,邀您見證時尚明星的誕生過程。

Haute hunting:Fashion Star returns for its second season, resuming its search for the next big fashion brand. Featuring new host Louise Roe, a British fashion journalist and editor-at-large of Glamour Magazine, along with celebrity mentors Jessica Simpson, Nicole Richie and John Varvatos, the competition reality series givesg 13 talented designers the chance to win a multi-million dollar prize to launch original fashion lines with three of the largest retailers: Macy’s, Saks Fifth Avenue and Express. Each week, the show will feature exhilarating fashion shows built around a weekly challenge that is designed to further develop and expand the designers’ brands.



角色介紹 Characters


John Varvatos

近幾年John Varvatos的作品在時尚界已被視為最重要的男性品牌之一,他特有的簡約質感與精緻搭配的美學,使他能在時尚圈獨佔鰲頭。1983年加入Ralph Lauren之後到CK。相較於其他品牌各自發展男女品牌的路線,以純正男性品牌席捲時尚圈更是讓人佩服他的熱情與專注。在《時尚明星》中加入男性角度, 更貼近廣大的男性觀眾,讓時尚不只是女性的特權。

Varvatos joined Polo Ralph Lauren in 1983. Recruited by Calvin Klein in 1990, he was appointed head of menswear design and oversaw the launch of the men’s collection and the influential ck brand. In 1995, he returned to Polo as head of menswear design for all Polo Ralph Lauren brands and created the highly successful Polo Jeans Company.


Nicole Richie

曾與好友派瑞絲希爾頓(Paris Hilton)一起主持主持真人情境秀《拜金女新體驗》(The Simple Life),兩人因為此秀爆紅而分道揚鑣,現在Nicole Richie 以自己最自豪的時尚品味重新抓住觀眾的眼光,也在2011年成立了自己的服裝品牌Winter Kate,同時也是位慈善家和作家。由她來當這群未來的閃亮之星的指導者,可說是當之無愧。

Richie is a sensation on many fronts: from creative director of a global fashion business to actress, as well as philanthropist and writer.


Louise Roe

在英國出生的Louise Roe,曾是時尚編輯也是電視節目主持人,在《時尚明星》之前也主持過類似的時尚競賽節目,除了是媒體的寵兒之外,本身也替許多雜誌或網站撰寫有關時尚的文章,當然她的穿著本身就是最好的時尚範本。

As a television presenter and fashion journalist, wrote articles for some fashion columns. She herself is definitely the fashion icon.


Jessica Simpson

 潔西卡·安·辛普森,成功的在流行音樂歌手與演員,甚至時尚圈找到自己的地位,如此多棲的身分更使得旗下的品牌Jessica Simpson Collection大紅大紫,由她來擔綱新手設計師們的指導員更適合不過,誰能比她更了解觀眾注目的焦點呢?除了給予競賽者們時尚的指引,更能讓她們了 解娛樂產業鏈無遠弗屆的力量。

Simpson has taken the music, fashion and entertainment industries by storm. As a talented artist with universal appeal, she has become an international star and media darling.Aside from Simpson’s entertainment prowess, she enjoys tremendous success as a designer and businesswoman with her Jessica Simpson Collection. Launched in 2005, the collection has grown to include 24 product categories, such as footwear, handbags, denim, eyewear, lingerie, jewelry, outerwear, belts, luggage, ready-to-wear and "tween."