MOD 264


Idol Dabang (S1)
2020/04/07 每週二 20:00

一個由傳奇男孩團體成員和新人共同經營的咖啡館。韓國最忙碌的韓國流行偶像可以在那裡喘一口氣。歡迎來到偶像咖啡館!主持人安迪曾經是轟動一時的男孩組合「神話」的成員,還有熱門選秀節目“Produce 101”的參加者柳善皓,邀請韓國流行團員來賓,與他們大肆的暢聊,從幻想、想像所有事情可能性的“IF”角落,到他們的MV幕後花絮,以及與粉絲們來信的對話等。

A cafe run by a legendary boy group member and a newcomer on the scene. A place where the busiest of people in Korea, K-pop idols, can come in and take a breath. Welcome to Idol Cafe!Hosts Andy, formerly a part of sensational boy-group Shinhwa, and Yoo Sunho,product of popular audition program “Produce 101,” invite guest K-pop group members where they will engage in many talks, from a fantasizing, imagining ideation of what could’ve been in the “IF”corner, to behind-the-scenes anecdotes of their music video shoots, to acting out a dialogue written by the fans and many more.