
星際爭霸戰:星艦前傳 第1季

Star Trek: Enterprise (S1)
全員集合: 可以說是《星際迷航》影集的前傳,發生在James T. Kirk掌管前,企業號早在百年前已建造完成,執行早期的太空探測工作,那時連星際聯邦共和國還都尚未成形。Jonathan Archer 船長則是未來艦隊隊長的原型-勇敢,充滿好奇心與堅毅。他與隊員們熱切想要探索陌生星球,他們的行動將會是你的娛樂來源。HD高畫質經典重現,這場偉大的 冒險即將展開。
Where no man has gone: Somewhat a prequel to the iconic Star Trek series, Enterprise is set nearly 100 years before Captain James T. Kirk and during the early pioneering days of deep space exploration, when the United Federation of Planets is still decades away. Captain Jonathan Archer is the prototype for would-be Starfleet captains of the future – bold, curious and gutsy – and his team is pure joy to watch as they eagerly navigate foreign territory in this groundbreaking series that is now back and remastered in high definition!
