
天才之城 第5季

Eureka (S5)
長壽與榮華: 有一個大家都不知曉的美國奧瑞岡州小鎮,它的存在與地理位置受到美國國防部的嚴密監控。裡面住著科學家、發明家與天才,這社區小鎮由平庸的Joe所管理。歡迎來到天才之城,也歡迎認識心不甘情不願的警長Jack Carte。第五季也是本劇最後一季囉,所有鎮上的事都亂成一團!Astraeus部隊發現,距離上次回到地面已經四年過去了,凡事都變了。全球動力系統已經被 機器人奪取。Henry已經不是鎮長了,Jack與Jo 正在交往。事情再詭異不過了,Beverly Barlowe把他們困在虛擬實境中。Jack Allison可否成功扭轉這一切的逆境呢?本季絕對古怪又荒唐可笑–這是適合的方式向這群愛因斯坦們說聲珍重再見。
Live long and prosper: There is a little town in the U.S. state of Oregon that nobody knows about, it’s existence and location closely guarded by the United States Department of Defense. It is populated by brilliant scientists and inventors, and this community of geniuses is ruled by… an average Joe. Welcome to Eureka, and meet its reluctant sheriff, Jack Carter. Back for a fifth and final season, things have turned topsy-turvy in Eureka! The Astraeus crew return to Earth only to discover that they have been gone for four years and everything has changed. Global Dynamics has been taken over by robots. Henry is no longer mayor and Jack is now dating Jo. As if things aren’t any weirder now, Beverly Barlowe has them all trapped in a virtual reality. Can Jack and Allison set things right? It’s going to be a quirky, zany season – a fitting way to bid farewell to our beloved gang of Einsteins.

