MOD 264

閃婚澳洲版 第9季

Married At First Sight Australia (S9)
2023/2/1起,週一至週五 20:30

打開香檳,看愛的火花飛濺!澳大利亞最有負罪感的快樂和最受關注的社會實驗《閃婚》,以其大膽而爆炸性的愛情強勢回歸。為了尋找一生摯愛,澳大利亞一些最具吸引力和冒險精神的單身人士將把通往愛情的鑰匙交給關係專家約翰·艾肯(John Aiken)和梅爾·席林(Mel Schilling),以及臨床性學家亞曆山德拉·拉姆波拉(Alessandra Rampolla)。他們將一起對這些單身人士進行配對,以確定科學是否真的能預測真愛和長久的浪漫。

Pop the champagne and watch sparks fly! Australia’s biggest guilty pleasure and most talked about social experiment, Married at First Sight, returns with its bold and explosive take on love. In the quest to find the love of their lives, some of Australia’s most attractive and adventurous singles will hand the keys to their heart to relationship experts John Aiken and Mel Schilling, and clinical sexologist Alessandra Rampolla, who together will match them up to determine whether science really can predict true love and long-lasting romance.


閃婚澳洲版 第8季
Married At First Sight Australia (S8)
閃婚澳洲版 第6季
Married at First Sight Australia (S6)
閃婚澳洲版 第5季
Married At First Sight Australia (S5)
閃婚澳洲版 第4季
Married At First Sight Australia (S4)
閃婚澳洲版 第2季
Married At First Sight Australia (S2)
Married At First Sight Australia (S1)