
WOWtv關懷學生畢製影片 培養新人深耕創作實力

杰德創意影音所主辦的第一屆【WOW挺你】學生畢業製作影片獎助計畫,公佈得奬名單並於昨日舉辦座談茶會。由杰德執行長林志杰邀請《一頁台北》導演 陳駿霖與資深影人王瑋,面對面提供獲獎助前三名的四組畢製團隊專業的攝製建議,充滿熱情討論的午茶時間讓每個學生劇組都滿載而歸。

陳駿霖導演既熱情又耐心地跟學生導演們分享個人的拍片經驗,他表示:「到現在我還覺得自己像個學生,每次拍片都是學習,每一次都是為了要更進步」, 看到學生們熱衷於自己的作品,他有感而發:「拍學生片是最自由的」。陳駿霖導演甚至大方地表示願意在學生們影片拍攝完畢完成初剪後,更進一步提供剪接上的 建議。


第一次舉辦獎助學生畢製影片就收到近百件的申請案件,其中不乏創意新穎的企畫案。在評審團的建議下,主辦單位增設四個獎項,首獎兩名各得五萬元獎助 金,顯示杰德在深耕影視新血方面用心良苦。獲獎助的學生們各個雀躍不已,對於能有民間企業主動熱心贊助學生影片感到十分開心及感動。


從動畫製作起家,到代理數位頻道,杰德執行長林志杰一直以來致力於東西文化交流並引進具有國際觀的內容,他表示:「藉由這個獎助計畫希望能拋磚引 玉,呼籲更多民間企業參與培植影視新人,期待明年第二屆『WOW挺你』可以擴大舉行。」未來杰德也將協助透過國際頻道的平台,讓更多台灣新生代的作品可以 讓海外更多人看到。

除了獲得獎助金在拍片籌資方面有實質的經濟支持,透過與專業影視工作者一對一溝通的輔導,學生畢製團隊都覺得是很有意義也很直接的幫助,對於完成影 片更有信心。今年夏天影視科系的畢展相信會有更精彩的學生作品將在各地展演,透過產學結合更大的力量推動、輔導台灣影視新生們的創作,將能帶動台灣提高創 意及創作產值與產能!

The 1st Annual WOWtv Student Film & TV Production Awardees Announced

Taipei, Taiwan – March, 2011 – Portico Media concludes the 1st WOWtv Student Film & TV Production Awards. The competition supports the talent and creativity of Taiwan’s next generation of film and TV professionals, with a total of US$10,000, up from US$5000, in production assistance funds to be awarded to the 17, up from 13, most outstanding applicants. The jury suggested that Portico Media award 2 1st prize winners, as well as award prices for Best Script, Best Animation and Best Documentary. Winners will have the chance to be mentored from individually by one of the 13 international industry professionals such as Chris Lee (Superman Returns),Nansun Shi (Seven Swords), Arvin Chen (Au Revoir Taipei), and many more. The two 1st Prize Winners, the 2nd Prize Winner and the 3rd Winner all met with two of the local directors on February 22, 2011. Arvin Chen and Wang Wei, a 3-time Golden Horse jury member, were available to do round-robin discussions with the students. Mr. Chen agreed to assist the students with the editing of their movies, while Mr. Wang provided constructive criticism on the scripts.

Portico Media Managing Director Jay Lin says, “We are delighted to award these prizes to some of the most talented film/tv students in Taiwan. In a period of about 2 months, we received close to 100 applications, and many of them are stellar. We hope that we can be of assistance to connect these talents sooner, rather than later, with industry specialists who can help them further fine-tune their craft.” Silver Bear Director Arvin Chen says, “Every I make a movie, I feel like a student, because every film I am learning along the way. When you are making a student film is when you feel more free and liberated.”

The WOWtv Student Film & TV Production Awards will support the talent and creativity of Taiwan’s students in multiple ways. The competition will discover some of the country’s most promising young talents and provide them with financial support and mentoring during a crucial period in their development. By linking up with Portico Media and WOWtv, award winners will have the opportunity to showcase their works via WOWtv and Portico-sponsored events, reaching a much broader community than graduation exhibitions alone can provide. The mentoring connections with an international group of industry professionals will also provide winners with a link to exciting potential post-graduation opportunities, both in Taiwan and beyond.

About WOWtv and Portico Media:

WOWtv is a collection of premium international channels, including DIVA Universal, Syfy Universal, Universal Channel, KidsCo, CNBC, DW-TV Asia +, Euronews, Arirang, and TV5 Monde, as well as original WOWtv content, all available on Chunghwa Telecom’s MOD platform in Taiwan. Portico Media is an innovative media management company committed to bringing premium international content to Taiwan while also supporting the growth and internationalization of domestic TV production.






